Sunday, January 24, 2010

Article 2; Simulators Prepare Soldiers For Explosions of War

The article I have chosen to write about this week is called “Simulators Prepare Soldiers for Explosions of War”. The article starts by addressing a device used for war simulation in Virginia. The device, a Humvee attached to programmed actuators, acts as the basis for the simulation apparatus. The purpose of the device is to give real soldiers an advantage in the battlefield. The device can simulate an I.E.D (improvised explosive device) using its complex hydraulic actuator system. Visual effects are made with state of the art “high-definition video sharp enough to discern rocks on the roadside and leaves on the scrubby bushes”. The goal of the entire system is to improve the most valuable resource the military has. “We’re not going to armor ourselves out of this problem. But if we can, we take the most valuable, flexible resource we have, the human being, and maximize it, that will make a significant difference.”
CBS8 news from San Diego, California, posted an article on a similar subject. The writer mentioned how footage was taken from a set in Hollywood to be used with the simulator program. “At first glance it looks like authentic war footage shot in the snowy mountains of Afghanistan, but the village is a Hollywood movie set. What appears to be Afghani citizens are paid actors filming scenes that are being used in what may be the most realistic simulator ever made”. The producer for the filming also commented: "Thanks to a touch of Hollywood, before young recruits head off to war and make mistakes, this training helps them learn to scan with their eyes and communicate with their peers". He was referring to a war training system that uses actual video footage rather than graphics along with an interactive video game to sharpen soldiers' awareness in the field.

Main article:

Second article:


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